Continuous GPS Arrays
The Tectonics Observatory is deploying geodetic networks consisting of continuously recording GPS stations to monitor crustal deformation. These networks include
sites that are both telemetered on a
daily basis through land and satellite links, and manually downloaded
several times per year (description).
Maps and live updates:
Baja GPS Array - operated in collaboration with CICESE, Ensenada/Mexico, and USGS/Pasadena
Sumatran GPS Array (SuGAr) -
operated in collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Science
(LIPI) in Bandung, (Indonesia), and Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Taiwan Geodetic Network -
in collaboration with the Institute of Earth Sciences (Academia
Sinica). Our stations complement the existing stations operated
by IES and the Central Weather Bureau
Geodetic Network - collaborative project with the Department
of Mines and Geology, Katmandu (Nepal), and the Departement Analyse
et Surveillance de l'Environnement, CEA, (France).
Central Andean Tectonic Observatory (CAnTO) Geodetic Array - in collaboration
with Universidad de Chile in Santiago, Universidad de Tarapaca (Chile), Universidad Catolica del Norte (Chile), and Instituto Geofisico del Peru.